See the document in Greek version
Usual resident population of Greece in the census of 5 April 1981 by departments , eparchies, municiaplities, municipal/communal departments
Subtitle Validated by the 7908/Δ'554/12-4-1982 cinnib decision of the Ministers of Co-ordination and Interior
Parallel title Population de fait de la Grece au recensement du 5 Avril 1981 par departements, eparchies, communes-demes, communes et localites
Corporate body National Statistical Service of Greece
Publisher National Statistical Service of Greece
Reference year 1981
Year of publication 1982
Number of PDF pages 198 p.
Subjects Greece - Population census, 1981
Language Greek and French
File size 38.41 MB
File type PDF
Resolution 400dpi
Compression LZW
Colour Coloured
Colour depth 8-bit
Permanent link

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