See the document in Greek version
Population - housing census results of 5th April 1981
Subtitle Data of sample process 10% out of the total of the census paper
Parallel title Resultats du recensement de la population et des habitations effectue le 5 Avril 1981
Corporate body National Statistical Service of Greece
Publisher National Statistical Service of Greece
Reference year 1981
Year of publication 1990
Number of PDF pages 858 p.
Contents v. V: Data by municipalities and communs. Demographic, social and economic characteristics of population, coming from the country and abroad, houses and households accomodation facilities. Iss. 4: Peloponese
Subjects Greece - Population census, 1981
Language Greek and French
File size 143.99 MB
File type PDF
Resolution 400dpi
Compression LZW
Colour Coloured
Colour depth 8-bit
Permanent link

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